الخط الساخن الوطني: +8615538086571

SWECO, manufacturer of industrial screens and sifting equipment

sweco 是全球筛分行业的领导者,在全球范围内有12个制造厂和100多个服务办事处。 凭借SWECO全球化的运作优势,用户可以确保自己获得业内最佳的服务,无论我们的用户身

SWECO Vibrating Screens / Vibration Screens

SWECO, the world leader in particle separation, offers various aftermarket vibrating screens for dry material separation and sizing as well as liquid solid separation.


Basically, the Sweco Separator is a screening device that vibrates about its center of mass. Vibration is accomplished by eccentric weights on the upper and lower ends of the


施魏科工业设备(上海)有限公司是颗粒筛分和粒径减小解决方案的世界领先企业。. 公司的产品有SWECO振动筛、SWECO筛机、施魏科振动筛、进口品牌振动筛、上海筛机厂家、上海振动筛厂家、施魏科振动筛价格。.

VIBRO-ENERGY - SWECO - PDF Catalogs - DirectIndustry

Media Discharge Door, standard on all models, provides easy removal of media for quick process changes. Although many finishing mills look similar, when you compare unique features, SWECO clearly stands apart.


The SWECO Separator is a screening device that vibrates about its center of mass. Vibration is accomplished by eccentric weights on the upper and lower ends of the

SWECO Vibrating separators - All the products on DirectIndustry

Vibro-Energy Round Separator is the SWECO legacy, synonymous with top quality equipment, innovative design, and exacting standards. Since 1942 when SWECO

Sweco - Wikipedia

Sweco is one of Europe's leading architecture and engineering consultancy company, established in 14 countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania,

Sweco Polska - Transforming Society Together

Sweco to wiodąca, europejska firma doradcza z branży architektonicznej i inżynieryjnej, osiągająca obroty na poziomie ok. 29 mld SEK (2,5 mld EUR), notowana na giełdzie NASDAQ w Sztokholmie. swecogroup.

Sweco Belgium

Sweco geeft vorm aan de duurzame steden en gemeenschappen van morgen. Samen met onze klanten en de collectieve kennis van onze 22.000 architecten, ingenieurs en andere experten co-creëren we oplossingen

„Sweco“ - pirmaujanti Europos inžinerijos ir

„Sweco“ yra Europoje pirmaujanti inžinerijos ir architektūros kompanija, kurios metinė apyvarta siekia 2,2 mlrd. eurų. Kompanija yra NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB vertybinių popierių biržos narė. UAB „Sweco Lietuva“

Lösungen für die Metallzerspanung - Seco Tools

One site. Everything SECO.

SWECO Round and Rectangular Vibratory Separation Equipment,

SWECO, the world leader in particle separation and size reduction solutions, offers round and rectangular separators for dry material separation and sizing as well as liquid solid separation. Additionally, SWECO offers Gyratory Sifters, Pharmaceutical Aseptic Separators, Decanter Centrifuges and aftermarket parts and screens for multiple industries.

Sweco China - Sweco Sverige

Sweco是汇集了欧洲可持续城市发展从理念到实践经验的知识库。我们的中国项目核心团队由多专业的国际和中国专业人士组成。我们以瑞典共生城市(SymbioCity)理念与工作方法为基础,同时引入Sweco广泛多元的专家资源,通过共赢/ ...

Sweco Czech Republic

Transforming society together. Sweco v souladu se zásadami udržitelnosti plánuje a navrhuje města budoucnosti. 22 000 architektů, inženýrů a dalších specialistů společnosti Sweco ve spolupráci se svými zákazníky tvoří řešení pro urbanizaci, využití síly digitalizace a přispívá k posílení udržitelnosti naší společnosti.

Solutions d'usinage - Seco Tools

One site. Everything SECO.

Organisaatio - Sweco Finland

Sweco suunnittelee tulevaisuuden kaupunkeja ja kestävämpää yhteiskuntaa. Yhdessä asiakkaidemme ja 22 000 arkkitehtimme, insinöörimme ja muun asiantuntijamme voimin tartumme kaupungistumisen haasteisiin ja digitalisaation mahdollisuuksiin ja luomme ratkaisuja, jotka edistävät kestävämmän yhteiskunnan kehittämistä.

Sweco rakennetun ympäristön ja teollisuuden asiantuntija

Sweco on Euroopan johtava rakennetun ympäristön ja teollisuuden asiantuntija, joka suunnittelee tulevaisuuden kaupunkeja ja kestävämpää yhteiskuntaa. Tutustu!

Nasza historia - Sweco Polska

03 stycznia 2021 roku Sweco Engineering wspólnie ze Sweco Consulting połączyło się w jedną spółkę Sweco Polska, tworząc tym samym największą w kraju firmę działającą na rzecz rozwoju miast, infrastruktury, przemysłu

Sweco Architects i København

Sweco er Europas førende arkitekt- og ingeniørrådgiver med en omsætning på SEK 29 mia. (EUR 2.5 mia. / DKK 18.6 mia.). Virksomheden er noteret på Nasdaq Stockholm. swecogroup. Sweco Danmark A/S

Seco Tools - Rozwiązania do obróbki metali

One site. Everything SECO.

Sweco Group – Architecture and Engineering Consultancy

Sweco is Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy, with sales of approximately SEK 29 billion (EUR 2.5 billion). The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Gjörwellsgatan 22, 112 60 Stockholm Box 34044, 100 26 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone: +46 8 695 60 00. Shortcuts. About us; Careers;

The Sweco Model

Sweco plans and designs the sustainable communities and cities of the future. Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 22,000 architects, engineers and other experts, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable.

Sweco Norge - Transforming society together

Sweco på #2 plass i Norden. Sweco er kåret til en av de mest foretrukne arbeidsgiverne blant ingeniørstudenter i Norden på årets Universum-måling. Det er utrolig stas at fremtidige sivilingeniører og ingeniørstudenter ser på Sweco som en av de mest attraktive arbeidsgiverne i en konkurranseutsatt bransje. Les mer

O Sweco - Sweco Czech Republic

Transforming society together. Sweco v souladu se zásadami udržitelnosti plánuje a navrhuje města budoucnosti. 22 000 architektů, inženýrů a dalších specialistů společnosti Sweco ve spolupráci se svými zákazníky tvoří řešení pro urbanizaci, využití síly digitalizace a přispívá k posílení udržitelnosti naší společnosti.

SWECO Round Vibratory Separation Equipment

Behind each Vibro-Energy Round Separator is the SWECO legacy, synonymous with top quality equipment, innovative design, and exacting standards. Since 1942 when SWECO patented the first vibratory separator to today's high yield HX™ Series Vibro-Energy Round Separators, SWECO has continued our tradition of solutions and service.

Arkitektur - Sweco Sverige

Visste du att Sweco Architects är det fjärde största arkitektkontoret i världen sett till antal anställda? Vi har 1500 medarbetare globalt, varav 600 är baserade här i Sverige. Våra arkitekter och ingenjörer arbetar tätt tillsammans i dynamiska team för att hitta innovativa lösningar på de mest utmanande frågorna.

Sweco Group – World Leading Architecture Services

With 1,500 architects working in eight European countries, Sweco is the world’s fourth largest firm within architecture and urban planning. Operating in the centre of the green transition we believe in co-creating solutions together with our clients to find answers that addresses urbanisation, capturing the power digitalisation and make our societies more

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